Strong Team Bonding with Welcome Gifts

A design of welcome gifts makes new hires feel right at home.

To be fair, hiring a new employee takes time and energy.

Bringing on a new employee at a time when many businesses and organizations are still working remotely makes it tough to get them up to speed, feel like part of the team, and integrated into the company culture.

An efficient onboarding process helps both employees and businesses.

  • 87 percent less likely to leave a job if onboarding is done well.
  • Studies show that comprehensive onboarding increases new recruit retention by up to 82 percent.
  • Dang, replacing an employee might cost up to 213% of their salary. So where should a recruiter begin?

Welcome Gifts for New Hires

Providing new staff with welcome gifts is a little but meaningful gesture.

A welcome gift may help new recruits feel appreciated, enthusiastic, and, well, welcomed.

Your welcome packet should:

  • Make your presentation purposeful, strategic, and value-driven.
  • Not include wasteful things that are likely to be discarded.
  • Personalize clothing shirts online for the person, use our t-shirt customizer.
  • Not just buy random t shirt sites, a design is always rocks.

Corporate Identity

Explain why you need a design of a welcome gift to the new employee.

Welcome kits can (and should) include practical items that your new hire will find useful on the job, but feel free to add a little flare to make your company stand out from the legal pad and abacus crowd (no offense, actuaries) (no offense, actuaries).

How Pinehart Can Help You?

When buying welcome gifts for new employees, bear in mind the following goals:

  • Send your new recruit a message about your company’s values with a design.
  • Personalize your message and keep those goals in mind to make a lasting impact on your new hire.
  • Gift a t-shirt with a personalized print, not a t-shirt from any clothing shirts online.

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