Pinehart is so proud to be a Gala event sponsor.

No one is to blame for having down syndrome, and neither you nor your pregnancy is to blame. Every age, social class, and race gives birth to the parents of babies with Down syndrome. Down’s syndrome affects learning in several ways in children and young adults. They could thus require assistance with daily tasks. They may have happy lives and feel part of their communities if given the proper support. Through social, educational, and residential opportunities, Down Home Ranch is empowering the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental impairments.

To be a progressive society, we must all be treated with respect and dignity, which means raising awareness about Down syndrome. As a custom t-shirt printing company, Pinehart actively participates and contributes to the foundation’s awareness and support initiatives for families with children who have Down syndrome.

 What is the Gala Event?

The Gala is the 19th anniversary of Down-Home Ranch, on Saturday, September 10th, 2022. This event is for supporters’ continued donations. And Pinehart is so proud to be an event sponsor for the Gala with custom t-shirt gifts.

How do we collaborate during & after the Gala?

During the Gala, everyone can “bid” a 100% tax-deductible gift to Fund the Future for people with Down syndrome. All donations will go toward initiatives that promote diversity, preserve civil rights, increase opportunities, and support the Down syndrome community.

Pinehart is waiting for your partnership request!

We are looking for partners.

Pinehart invites you to participate in our advertising campaign, in which we want to buy an advertising video of our collection. At the end of the cooperation, you will receive gifts from us.

Also, we are looking for long-term cooperation. If our suggestion appeals to you, please email us at Contact us, if you have any other sponsorship requests.

We look forward to your reply soon. Thank you for taking the time.